Nov. 11, 2015

The Complexion Friendly Camel Coat


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  1. labisqwee says:

    Bless you for this immensely worthy piece of advise for anyone with “pinkish” skin. You never fail to describe precisely the tiny and mighty rules of mastering the sartorial skills. And, you’re oh so right about thoughtful color names. I’ve been reading some vintage magazines and wondering where are those meticulous, careful, imagination-waking color names gone. Same goes for the fabric descriptions. Isn’t it wonderful how this attention to detail makes a two-lines caption under the (often black&white!) photographs in the old Vogue sound like a poetry today. “The palest swirl of seafoam – a blue delicacy, left, in soft wool baketweave that makes a dress with tiny cap sleeves, a draped panel buttoned very low at the back…”
    Apparently, now I also need to read each of your stories twice, in both English and Russian; but damn, it’s hell of a pleasure too!

    • Nat Laurel says:

      All these months I have been thinking of one of your previous comments from 2-3 years ago when you expressed your high hopes for my projects (you left it in the entry about Ulyana Sergeenko). That comments of yours motivates me immensely. I will not let you down. ;)

      • labisqwee says:

        That’s so lovely!.. Gosh, I am still head over heels for Ulyana and save her pics (the collection of visual inspirations is already way too large, as is the amount of time I think about style, being a sofware engineer), still praise your articles and have a strong thrilling anticipation of the mission both of you carry out so elegantly.
        On a side note, it’d be nice to be notified of your replies by email :)

        • Nat Laurel says:

          In order to get notifications about my responses you would need to set up an account on WordPress.. a bit of a fuss, but no other options as of right now.

  2. Shafalia says:

    So nice article you made!
    Would you please advice which size of this coat you bought ? Coat sholders compliments yours in are very gracefull manner. Adding a bit of sport touch.

    • admin says:

      I have 8.

      • Shafalia says:

        Wow! Woundering why your coat size is sooo big! Which size you are in tailored appmarket brands, like vince, theory ? Jcrew usually one size bigger than theory, for example. and this cocooncoat roomy enought to wrap your subtle shoulders even in size 6! How wide it is in your hips ? this details matters and it will be nice to know while deciding for mine yet another cocoon for this season. My recent MM Weekend Urna coat in UK10, US8 but this is true US , like Theory, and it is equal to Jcrew US6.

        • Nat Laurel says:

          Mmmm.. I am pretty generous in hips. ;), The coat is not super wide in hips, just enough to wrap it all in a nice silhouette. I have pics in Instagram in it. The cocoon cut makes it all possible, I can’t sport the same oversize effect in coats that are not tapered at the hem. Looks ‘babushka’. I haven’t tried Theory or Vince, they are ‘not my stuff’ , though I love Vince vicariously on others. All in all, my size repertoire varies from the US size 2 to 10..

  3. LanaM. says:

    Natasha, you look so beautiful in these pictures.

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The Complexion Friendly Camel Coat